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Class Introduction: Enterprise Turnaround Strategy

#MBA #MIM #Japan #Nagoya

Enterprise Turnaround strategy is all about the art of the comeback. How does a firm that has suffered defeats or losses, especially a japanese firm, come back and survive? Japanese companies are often faced with situations where they must adapt or face severe repercussions. It is the aftermath of these situations that students will learn from in order to hone their own skills as managers of often turbulent businesses. Professor Osamu Ueda will lead discussion starting with the well known international case of IBM's corporate turnaround in session one and finish on the difficult task of reformatting a traditional Japanese company in Mitsui Securities. Students will face down the broad concepts of turnaround management while delving into the real essence of corporate management in international and Japanese firms.

Dr. Osamu Ueda is a lawyer and international business management consultant. After graduating from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo, Professor Ueda proceeded to the MBA programme at Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College. He obtained his doctorate degree in law at Seikei University. After gaining experience in foreign exchange and financial loans at Tokyo Bank (now Mitsubishi UFJ Bank), he proceeded to work in strategy consultation at Booz & Company (now Strategy&), one of the four biggest business consulting firms in the world.