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Announcement of Postponement of 2019 Commencement Ceremony & 2020 Entrance Ceremony

After careful consideration of the current situation related to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) over the past few weeks, NUCB has decided to postpone the March 20th, 2020 commencement ceremony to September 22nd, 2020.

The commencement ceremony is a deeply important event not only for our graduates and their families, but also to our staff and faculty. In discussing this difficult decision, we were forced to weigh the types of experiences we ultimately want our graduates to fondly remember against their safety and that of their families and friends.

We are aware that this announcement raises a host of inconveniences and concerns amongst all the students and family members who were looking forward to attending. We can only hope you can accept our heartfelt apologies and understand that the ongoing threat the virus poses has inconvenienced us all, and will continue to do so until we begin taking measures to prevent its spread.

Please be advised that we are monitoring the situation and will continue to update you on our decision regarding the matriculation ceremony for the Spring 2020 currently scheduled for April.