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Service Design Lecture by Professor Yuriko Sawatani

#MBA #MIM #Japan #Nagoya

Professor Yuriko Sawatani conducted an online lecture for her course entitled “Service Design,” an elective course from the Global MBA catalog. She discussed various models of service design and shared her design experiences with students. This course aims to give students an understanding of what service design is, and execute service design methodology in groups to create a model for 2030. Initially, students learn methodology based on IDEO cases and then identify important viewpoints in discussion.

In this course, students research and interview subjects to develop a persona. As a team, students share what is observed, discussing these various viewpoints. They use design research to describe insights from the discussion and define a persona. Each team creates a life in 2030 concepts and a prototype targeting a defined persona and utilizing insights learned from the team discussion.

Students discuss the gaps between the present and future and how to fill the gaps between current life and a life in 2030. To do this, they must create a strategy and road map to achieve the developed concept and present their findings from concept to strategy to the class.

Prof. Yuriko Sawatani Biography:
Dr. Yuriko Sawatani is a professor at NUCB Business School, and Director at Entrepreneurship center. She received her Ph.D. at The University of Tokyo. After graduating from Graduate School of Tokyo Institute of Technology, she joined IBM, software research and development.

After working at IBM's R&D strategy, she moved to IBM research as a strategist of personal systems. She was assigned to research strategy at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, and started service research since 2005 by leading On Demand Innovation Services. She was appointed to a fellow at Japan Science and Technology Agency, and established service science research in Japan.

She joined Waseda University in 2013, and had lectures at several universities, including Tokyo Institute of Technology. She wrote a book about service science and papers on service research management. She is active at service science communities (INFORMS Service Science, Society for Serviceology, Frontiers in service, Human Side of Service Engineerings(HSSE)) and R&D management. Main books: Global Perspectives on Service Science: Japan(Springer), Serviceology for Designing the Future(Springer)

Academic Background: Ph.D. The University of Tokyo

Specialized Field: Service Design, Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship