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Discover Japan Network Event: "Birdy," Presented by Tetsuya Yokoyama

#MBA #MIM #Japan #Nagoya

The Discover Japan Network, a joint effort between alumni and student representatives of NUCB Business School conducted its first on-campus networking and social event on the 21st of November. This event included a keynote seminar from a world-renowned Aichi innovator Mr. Tetsuya Yokoyama, Director of Yokoyama Kogyo, Ltd. and creator of Birdy Decanters – followed by a whisky tasting session to test out his innovative range of luxury bar tools.

In collaboration with former head bartender Erik Lorincz of the world-famous Savoy American Bar in London, Mr. Tetsuya Yokoyama has designed a growing line of bar tools with remarkable properties imbued by the time-consuming manual polishing methods that have become Birdy's signature. His decanters are now available in 17 markets and are even used at London’s Savoy Hotel.

Mr. Tetsuya talked about the factors that led to his innovation and the keys to success: finding accessible experts in bartenders, a penetrable niche market in luxury bar tools, and unique production methods in his car part manufacturing company's machine polishing process. His belief in his product motivated his passion, as he would go to events in person and make believers out of skeptics through demonstration.

Chancellor Prof. Hiroyuki Kurimoto also attended the event to welcome attendees and take in the presentation. He praised continuing efforts between international students and Japanese-program students of the NUCB Business School to learn from each other and develop lasting bonds through student- and alumni-organized events.