
Academic Programs

Executive Education

PgCert in Leadership Development

From selling groceries to exploring the galaxy: Managing Knowledge in Organizations

Prof. Law

The Managing Knowledge in Organizations course, part of the Sustainability Acceleration Program offered under the Certificate of Leadership Development (CLD) program, aims to equip Frontier-Spirited participants with understanding of modern knowledge- and innovation-based businesses critical to their everyday operation and longevity. Since the onset of COVID-19, 2nd year students have taken up the opportunity to join CLD virtual courses to earn extra credits within their programs.

Knowledge Management: Cultural Impact and Scientific Achievement

In Day 2 of the course, participants compared different ideas of knowledge management and how they specifically contribute to the varying goals of different organizations. Comparing the knowledge management practices of REMA 1000, a multinational grocery chain, with that of NASA, the space exploration agency of the US government, Prof. Law explored how knowledge can be used to impact consumer behavior by influencing a culture, or to capture and internally transfer unique specialist knowledge necessary for advancing progress toward achievement.

Certificate in Leadership Development

In the Certificate in Leadership Development program, top instructors from our school will help you develop your awareness and attitude as a leader in each field through authentic case method teaching.

Two-weekend (Saturday and Sunday, four days) courses held virtually explore specific themes, allowing participants to acquire essential knowledge for leaders in business and develop a mindset with like-minded peers. The program consists of professors who are skilled in leadership development, in-depth industry knowledge, and crisis management classes. Those who earn all credits in each program will receive a Certificate of Completion.