
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Report on the 2012 NUCB Business School Alumni Gathering

Alumni Network

The 2012 Alumni Gathering was held on Saturday, September 22, 2012. At the general meeting, agenda items discussed included the revision of the rules, and the launch of the "Small and Medium Business Consulting Association" as a subcommittee of the alumni association.

As a representative of the guests, Dr. Hiroyuki Kurimoto, Assistant Dean of the NUCB Business School, gave a
presentation of his vision for the School along with his greetings. It was a great opportunity for us to learn about the future direction of our alma mater.

This was followed by a special lecture by Mr. Mizuno, President of Alpen Co. His speech on the theme of "Demonstrating the Venture Spirit: The Path from the Founding of the Company to Its IPO" was very valuable, as was his  answers to all the questions that came up during the Q&A session.

The last event was a get-together at the Nagoya Kanko Hotel. In the one-minute self-introduction corner, we had a number of great speeches befitting alumni of a graduate school of management.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the general meeting and reception.
We look forward to holding another meeting next year.