
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Career Design Network Roundtable: MBA Career Change

Career Design Network #ネットワーク #キャリア #キャリアデザインネットワーク #MBA

On February 1, 2022, a Career Design Network event entitled "Career Roundtable: MBAs Don't Change Jobs" was held. More than 80 people participated in this online roundtable discussion in which alumni talk about their careers after completing their MBAs. It is generally believed that MBA graduates tend to change jobs, but this time we had four alumni who chose to stay at their companies after completing their MBAs and make their careers more exciting. The four themes of the roundtable discussion were "Why did you decide to pursue an MBA?", "Did your career design change before and after completing your MBA?", "How has your MBA impacted your career design?

The participants were able to hear concrete examples of practical experiences, such as episodes in which MBAs used the knowledge and skills they had acquired and honed at the university to approach their peers and seniors and juniors and confront issues faced by their companies. Participants commented that the seminar provided them with an opportunity to reconsider their own careers, and it seemed to be a very meaningful time not only for current students but also for alumni.

About Career Design Network

This network is where we can think and practice "career design" together, making the most of our studies at the business school, with the following objectives

  1. As comrades, discover and mutually refine your "mission/purpose," "vision," and "values" in life together.
  2. Make the most of all encounters at the business school, which is a major "career asset" in life, and form organic connections.
  3. To work together on autonomous career design as leaders who take the lead in career development in the "100-year age" by making the most of the valuable learning at the business school