
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The Healthcare Network meeting was held in Tokyo

Healthcare Network #Healthcare Network #Yuji Nagasawa

Healthcare Network

On Saturday, February 10, 2018, the Healthcare Network, established by Professor Yuji Nagasawa, held its meeting at the Tokyo Campus. The network has nearly 300 members in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, mainly students and graduates working in the pharmaceutical and medical industries, and meetings are held regularly. This year's meeting was held at the Tokyo Campus, and about 35 people, mostly current students and alumni, gathered. It is not only people who work in the healthcare industry who attend these meetings. Many people from various industries attended the workshop to improve their own insights. For the healthcare industry as well, there is the benefit of gaining new ideas and insights by being exposed to ideas from other industries. On the day of the workshop, three agenda items were presented, and the participants were divided into groups to discuss and make presentations on each topic.

Sustainable Growth of Pharmaceutical Companies: Thinking from the Frontline of Sales

Healthcare Network

Presentations were made on the following three topics:
• Sustainable Growth of Pharmaceutical Companies: Thinking from the Frontline of Sales
• Medical needs in Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam: New business development
• Strategies to be taken by local organizations in global CROs
In the theme of "Sustainable Growth of Pharmaceutical Companies," as indicated by the subtitle "Thinking from the Frontline of Sales," various problems caused by regulations were presented from the standpoint of a sales leader of a major foreign pharmaceutical company. The issues and dilemmas that pharmaceutical companies are currently facing due to these regulations were sorted out, and heated discussions were held from each standpoint on what an effective sales system should be in the face of various regulations.