
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The Healthcare Network meeting was held in Tokyo

Healthcare Network #Healthcare Network #Network

Strategic Management Institute, Pharmaceutical and Medical Network Section (Healthcare Network)

Healthcare Network

On Sunday, August 26, 2018, the Healthcare Network established by Professor Yuji Nagasawa held its meeting at the Tokyo Campus. The network has more than 300 members in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, mainly students and graduates working in the pharmaceutical and medical industries, and meetings are held regularly. On the day of the meeting, three agenda items were presented, and the participants were divided into groups for discussions and presentations on each topic.

The Dilemma of Pharmaceutical Companies: Mismatch between sales and marketing system and reality

The Healthcare Network not only holds discussions and presentations, but also actively interacts with current students and graduates, and is used as a place for mutual exchange and learning not only while in school, but also after graduation.

MRs (Medical Representatives), doctors, hospital administrators, and many others are involved.

This time, the participants were divided into groups for discussions and presentations on the following topics.
* What is the sales and marketing structure of a new drug development megapharmaceutical company? 
* How should the sales and marketing structure be reformed?
* Reforming the sales and commercial model.

In the session titled "Sales and Marketing - Mismatch with Reality," the leaders of major foreign pharmaceutical companies presented various changes in their systems.