
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 5th "Women's Leadership Development Program" training was held

Women's Leadership Network #MBA #Women's Leadership Network

Fifth training session of the "Women's Leadership Network"

The fifth training session of the "Women's Leadership Development Program," a project commissioned by the Cabinet Office, was held on December 18, 2019 (Wednesday), and the second class, "Management for Innovation," was given by Prof. Kazuhiko Kato, and the fourth study seminar was held.

In the "Management for Innovation" class, we first discussed the coming waves of change brought about by IoT and AI and their impact on our industry. In the second half of the class, we had a group discussion. In the group discussion in the latter half of the class, the students themselves, as managers of the planning department in the hotel industry, explained the threat of disruptors to the senior management and discussed the contents of their direct appeal to have them take countermeasures. Each group representative gave a 30-second presentation on what the group had come up with using the elevator pitch method. Finally, Professor Kato wrapped up the class.

After the class, the students commented, "It was very interesting and something that I would have tended to put off if I had not had this opportunity. The pre-class assignments were voluminous but appropriate, and I was able to deepen my learning"; "I enjoyed the participatory discussion format of the seminar"; "The elevator pitch was very interesting"; "The class was fast-paced and not passive, and I was thinking with my mind running at full speed the whole time"; "I would like to make use of the insights I gained here." The participants were highly satisfied with the program.

In the study seminar in the second half of the training, as in the previous session, there were presentations on preliminary issues and discussions among the participants. The participants' case preparation is progressing, and they are now using Zoom to receive guidance from their supervisors outside the classroom in preparation for their final case presentation in February.