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Network Report

The 4th "Women's Leadership Development Program" training was held

Women's Leadership Network #MBA #Shinichi Takeuchi #Women #Women's Leadership Network

Fourth training session of the "Women's Leadership Development Program"

The fourth training session of the "Women's Leadership Development Program", a project commissioned by the Cabinet Office, was held at the Nagoya Campus on Wednesday, November 20, 2019.
In the first half of the training, the third lecture by corporate executives was held. The lecturer was Ms. Kimiko Ogino, Senior Fellow, who was appointed as the first female executive officer at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. in April 2019. She gave a lecture on the theme of "My journey to executive officer and the future."
Ms. Ogino gave a self-introduction of her career up to the point of becoming an executive officer, and talked about what she valued and what challenges she had taken on in her career.

As a summary of her talk, she looked back on her past since she joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and said that she has been through a lot, but she believes that it is important to continue working for a long time without giving up. As a female officer, her role is to bridge the gap between the company and female employees by correctly informing them of the environment in which women are placed, expanding the environment in which they can cooperate with each other, and listening to and listening to the voices of women. She also spoke of her aspirations to contribute to the creation of a workplace where diversity can be utilized, where people can demonstrate their abilities, and where men and women can work together to create a vibrant workplace.

Participants commented, "It was a very deep learning experience to hear the real story of the first female board member," "It was helpful to hear that we need to change the way women perceive things," and "The lecture focused on the activities of women. It was a good opportunity for me to confirm that it is okay to move forward with my own personality." In the third seminar in the second half of the training, as in the previous seminar, each participant gave a presentation on the preliminary issues they had prepared and there was discussion among the participants. Each time, the participants' issues became more and more specific, and the seminar became more and more active.