
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 3rd "Women's Leadership Development Program" training was held

Women's Leadership Network #MBA #Women's Leadership Network

Third training session of the Women's Leadership Development Program, a project commissioned by the Cabinet Office

The third training session of the "Women's Leadership Development Program," a project commissioned by the Cabinet Office, was held at the Nagoya Campus on Wednesday, November 6, 2019.

In the first half of the third training session, the second lecture by corporate executives was held. Mr. Tadashi Shimao, Chairman of Daido Steel Co., Ltd. and Representative Secretary of Chubu Association of Corporate Executives, was invited as a lecturer and gave a lecture on the theme of "For you who aspire to be executives". First, Mr. Shimao introduced himself and talked about the kind of work he has been involved in, the mentors who have influenced him, and the lessons he has learned. He then talked about what he has learned through the work he has been involved in and what is important to him.

He then talked about the five important points that he has learned through his work: 1. professionalism, 2. team spirit, 3. autonomy, 4. cherish encounters with people, and 5. always think globally and follow the path in front of you. To conclude the lecture, he gave four pieces of advice to the participants aspiring to become executives: "Keep the company's assets healthy," "Become believable as soon as possible," "Make as many (small) mistakes as possible," and "Always aim for total optimization."

Comments from the participants included, "Each word resonated with me. The lecture was like a condensed version of what I need as a leader"; "I was able to learn the principles of management"; "I was given the courage to have my own strengths and to keep challenging myself without fear of (small) failures." Many participants shared their opinions about Mr. Shimao's speech. In the second half of the seminar, each participant gave a presentation on the prior work they had prepared, and there was discussion among the participants. The participants themselves were more aware and learned more from the seminar than last time, and the discussions were more lively.