
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 2nd "Women's Leadership Development Program" training session was held

Women's Leadership Network #MBA #Women's Leadership Network

Second training session of the Women's Leadership Development Program, a project commissioned by the Cabinet Office

The second training session of the "Women's Leadership Development Program," a project commissioned by the Cabinet Office, was held on Wednesday, October 23. The first class of the training was a "Macro View" class and a study seminar given by Prof. Seiichiro Iwasawa of the NUCB Business School.

The purpose of the "Macro View" class is to help participants understand the mechanisms of the economy and acquire the ability to read the economy, so that they can have an accurate outlook on the macro economy as executives involved in management. In the class, we will learn what influences the major movements of the Japanese economy, and then discuss the future prospects of the Japanese economy with the entire class.

We will focus on the issue of demographics, which is a factor that will certainly have a major impact on future trends in the Japanese economy, and how this will affect the participants' corporate management. The class was divided into six groups and discussed the impact of demographic changes on the business management of the participants. After the class, the participants commented that the class was very easy to understand and the brainstorming style gave them many insights. Drawn in by the professor's guidance of discussion and solicitation of opinions, the participants reported experiencing the importance of discussion. Although some were not very good at economics and nervous before the class, all participants enjoyed the session.

In the first study seminar in the second half of the second training session, each seminar (10 participants per seminar) made a presentation on the preliminary issues they had prepared and had discussions among the participants under the facilitation of the seminar supervisors.