
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 1st "Women's Leadership Development Program" Training Held

Women's Leadership Network #MBA #Shinichi Takeuchi #Women's Leadership Network #Women

First training session of the Women's Leadership Development Program, a project commissioned by the Cabinet Office

On Saturday, October 19, the NUCB Business School conducted the first training session of the "Women's Leadership Development Program," a project commissioned by the Cabinet Office. This program is a training program for female human resources who are expected to be active as executives through internal appointments, and includes lectures by current corporate leaders and female executives, as well as a variety of classes, discussions, and study seminars by business administration researchers and practitioner faculty members of our institution.

The program will last for four months, until February 1 next year, and aims to build a network of female leaders active in the region through mutual learning among the participants who are candidates for female executives. Thirty participants were selected from 72 applicants for the program, and they are candidates for female executives who are active in a wide range of industries such as manufacturers, finance, and services in the Tokai region.

At the first training session, the host, Ms. Hajie Ikenaga, Director of the Gender Equality Bureau of the Cabinet Office, gave a speech and talked about the government's efforts. The program also started with a greeting from the co-organizer, Vice Governor Keiko Aoyama of Aichi Prefecture. Then, the program director, Prof. Shinichi Takeuchi of the NUCB Business School, gave an overview of the program and explained about the course requirements.

To conclude the first training session, the first lecture by a corporate executive was held. Ms. Ayako Kuki, Representative Director of Mick International, Inc. was invited to give a lecture on the theme of "What is necessary for those who aspire to become female executives?" The lecture was followed by a lively question and answer session, where participants asked Ms. Kuki, who is active as a company leader, various questions about how to treat and deal with subordinates.