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MBA Japan

Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration and MBA Focused Program courses


The Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration serves as an MBA preparation program, such as the kind offered by business schools in Europe and the United States. How should I participate in case discussions if I am not a native English speaker? How should I tackle a report assignment? These are just some of the introductory-level management courses offered. Therefore, programs such as the PgDip in Business Administration offered by a business school will run for two to three months during the summer vacation period. In Japan, where business schools are still in their infancy, only a limited number of business schools offer these types of programs.

  • Academic writing
  • Basic management courses

On the other hand, courses offered to meet the needs of professionals who want to select individual courses that captures the essence of the MBA are called MBA Focused Program courses. In contrast to the PgDip in Business Administration, which is useful for systematically learning the basics of the curriculum offered by the MBA over several months, Focused Program courses are attractive to those who prefer to take courses over shorter periods of time focusing on specific areas of interest.

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