
International Programs

Student Reports

NCCU Summer Program 2024 Study Abroad Report from Hiroki Takano:

【Program Overview】
National Chengchi University (NCCU) is one of Taiwan's most prestigious universities, boasting an outstanding track record in the fields of business and law. Its MBA/EMBA education in particular has earned it international accreditation from AACSB and EQUIS, and is highly regarded around the world. This two-week program was planned under the theme of "Global Immersion in Asia," and was attended by approximately 15 members from around the world, including MBA students from Taiwan, as well as Japan, the United States, Canada, and France.

【Session 1:  Corporate Sustainability and Financial Strategy】
Overall, it was a very meaningful experience to learn about the current state of ESG management and impact investment from an international perspective. The class included a case discussion on Credit Suisse's impact investment, a lecture by the head of the Taiwan office of Amundi, a leading European asset management company, and a factory tour of Janman Precision, a precision equipment manufacturer, allowing students to experience the real business of Taiwan. The class discussions in English were more difficult than I expected, but I made an effort to use the knowledge I learned at NUCB and speak up proactively. I was shocked to learn that while Singapore and Taiwan rank highest in the ratio of socially responsible investment in Asia, Japan is lagging far behind. Although there is room for debate on the methodology of ESG evaluation, I keenly felt the need to keep a broad perspective so as not to lose sight of global trends.

【Session 2: Where Advance Technology Meets Rich Culture】
The second week was also designed to provide a multifaceted learning experience, including not only classroom lectures but also fieldwork and group presentations. In the Design Thinking class, after a class discussion using an Apple case study, we visited O’right, a company that manufactures and sells zero-carbon shampoo, and were impressed by the enthusiasm of the employees who were working hard to promote the brand from Taiwan to the world. On the final day, we also gave a group presentation on the future strategy of the food delivery business in Taiwan. It was difficult to prepare a presentation by forming an impromptu team with members of different nationalities and backgrounds, but we worked together and received high marks. I later heard that NCCU's educational policy emphasizes teamwork. I realized that the reason I felt a similar atmosphere to the NUCB classes through this program was because of this background.

【Cultural learning】
In this program, we had classes to learn about Taiwanese history and culture, and I was also able to experience the identity of the Taiwanese people through conversations with local members. Although Taiwan has a Chinese culture, it is also American in that it has an openness and frontier spirit based on democracy due to its background. The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, a monument to Chiang Kai-shek, is inscribed with the words "ethics, democracy, science," which are also the qualities of modern leaders, and its appearance is very similar to the Lincoln statue in Washington DC. In addition, due to the influence of the Japanese colonial period, Taiwan also shares meticulous Japanese values, which I felt are connected to the current development of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan. Furthermore, as mentioned above, Taiwan follows Europe, which is the most advanced in ESG. In this way, I felt that Taiwan's current vitality is due to its attitude of looking to the world and greedily adopting its excellent points. This short-term study abroad was an invaluable asset for me. The classes were hard, but because I worked hard, I was able to form strong bonds with my classmates and build relationships that will allow us to keep in touch in the future. I never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to study abroad after I became a working professional. I am truly grateful to NUCB Business School. I would like to utilize this valuable experience in my future career.

Please see the file below for the full original report!!!