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Student Life: Hiking Club

#MBA #CulturalEnrichment #StudentReport

New Global Leader Program student, Marius Klein from Germany, had more than business on his mind when he arrived in Japan. Soon after the start of classes, he took it upon himself to launch a new group to explore the region's natural bounty. The group is organized under the following concept - "We aim to organize hikes every other week when no classes are held. Feel free to initiate and recruit people for further hikes as you'd like - after all we all have a common passion: Hiking!"

Read below for comments from Marius about the club and an invitation to join!

Japan is a paradise for hikers in all seasons. The many mountains (around 70% of Japan's land area), and the historic paths and pilgrimage trails that criss-cross them make for superb walking routes in unspoiled countryside. To make organizing hikes easier we have founded the NUCB Hiking Club earlier this semester. By now we are about 60 people including undergraduates, graduates, internationals and locals!

Our first official hike was up to the top of Mt. Gozaisho (御在所山). The way up and down was pretty demanding and not your simple Sunday afternoon walk in the park, as you can see in the pictures. But don't worry we are not just aiming to climb the toughest and tallest mountains in the area! No, we also organize small trips like a walk between Magome and Tsumago just recently. Ultimately, we want to enable all people to see the stunning nature Japan has to offer.

Following the NUCB Business School motto 'Frontier Spirit' we aim to conquer every trail and following the 'Global Leader' idea no one will be left behind on our hikes. From day-trips to multi-day-trips, from simple walks to Mt. Fuji, we aim to do it all! So feel free to join us!

Located in the heart of Japan, the Greater Nagoya area is well-known as the manufacturing backbone of Japan. But it's not all just lean manufacturing and just-in-time supply chain logistics. The area of Nagoya is home to beautiful natural landscapes for exploring, historic temples and villages over hundreds of years old and many of the modern and trendy themes of "Cool Japan." Students in the NUCB Business School use the great location of Nagoya as their starting point for discovering Japan while studying hard in business administration and management.