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Sakura Science in Full Bloom: E-JUST comes to Nagoya



In cooperation with the Japan Science and Technology Agency's Sakura Science Exchange Program, our school hosted 11 students and researchers from the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology for a week-long course of lectures on data science, company/museum visits, and networking. The lectures, given by Professor Sasanuma and Professor Lim, revolved around the emergent field of data science, its applications, and methods for teaching them to students of business and management.

These experiences and learnings culminated in research proposals from the participants, which were presented in our hybrid auditorium for an audience tuning in from both Japan and Egypt.

The series of lectures revolved around the emergent field of data science, including its applications and methods for teaching them to students of business and management. These experiences and learning culminated in research proposals from the participants, which were presented in our hybrid auditorium for an audience tuning in from both Japan and Egypt.

An enlightening but exhausting week of intensive study was rewarded with a networking dinner, during which the E-JUST researchers mingled with students from our school, and punctuated with a day of cultural enrichment visits to museums in the Nagoya area. This year promises to be full of experiences for globally-minded students of NUCB Business School, with visits from and to institutions overseas lined up and undergoing preparations.