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Announcing the official formation of our Beta Gamma Sigma Chapter

#International #AACSB #Advantage #Alumni


The Installation Ceremony officially recognizing the formation of our chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma was held at the Marunouchi Tower Campus. Deans and Directors of the NUCB Business School came together to take part in the proceedings, which included a greeting and introduction from the installing officer, Dr. Toshitsugu Otake, Dean of Ritsumeikan APU, and explanatory remarks from our Dean of External Relations, Dr. Kenji Yokoyama.

About Beta Gamma Sigma

The principles of Beta Gamma Sigma are encoded in its name, which initially represented the names of three distinguished business professors, but came to stand for the Greek words BEBAOS, GNOSIS, and SPOUDE, signifying honor, wisdom, and earnestness, respectively. Beta Gamma Sigma chapters are only found at schools accredited by AACSB, which recognizes the top business schools in the world meeting strict criteria for excellence in business education.

The origins of the honor society go back to 1913, when it was established by three student recognition societies on the campuses of the University of California-Berkley, the University of Illinois, and the University of Wisconsin, to recognize and honor outstanding graduates of business school programs across the United States. Over 100 years later, Beta Gamma Sigma is the largest organization in the world honoring business school graduates internationally, active in over 190 countries.

With the formal chartering document accepted by our Chancellor, Dr. Hiroyuki Kurimoto, our school will recognize exemplary graduates who uphold the principles of BGS with lifetime membership in this prestigious society. We look forward to congratulating our students who meet these standards of excellence and rewarding them for their inspiring efforts to realize their Frontier Spirit.