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Exploring Japanese Business Culture and Innovation with Toyota and Asahi Intecc

Every year, our school opens doors to a world of exciting cultural and business experiences for students, and this year the journey led to the Toyota Automobile Museum and Asahi Intecc. The Toyota Automobile Museum, located in Nagakute city, showcases Toyota's storied past, while Asahi Intecc offers a glimpse into the workings of a powerhouse in the development, manufacturing, and sale of medical devices.

Visit to Toyota Automobile Museum

Our students had the privilege of stepping into the Toyota Automobile Museum, embarking on a mesmerizing voyage through the history of legendary cars. From the earliest innovations to the cutting-edge marvels of today, the museum showcases a stunning array of automobiles from different manufacturers. From family cars to luxury models, and from old classics to modern supercars, each unit on display tells the story of automotive excellence. Notable gems include the 1922 Grand Prix Sunbeam, a true testament to the evolution of automotive craftsmanship.

Visit to Asahi Intecc

Next on the adventure list was Asahi Intecc, whose team generously offered students a detailed presentation, providing a fascinating glimpse into the intricacies of product development and testing. This immersive experience allowed students to gain invaluable insights into contemporary business practices, industry trends, and cutting-edge technologies in the medical field.

This trip is more than just a journey; it is a doorway to understanding the heart of Japanese business culture and the pulse of innovation. Providing students with not only academic excellence but also learning experiences shapes them into well-rounded, globally aware professionals, poised for success in the dynamic business landscape.