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Does an MBA Require Preparatory School?

#MBA #PreparatorySchool #GMAT #TOEIC

Please keep in mind that “university entrance exam” and “business school exam” are two completely different things. This is because while the former emphasizes “knowledge,” the latter focuses on “experience.” When it comes to preparatory courses for entering an MBA program, getting advice about the topics below from a person involved in the management of a business school would be valuable, but it usually is limited to an MBA holder giving advice based on his or her experience who does not have any knowledge about the affairs behind the business school. This may well result in a meaningless investment.

・ GMAT strategy (overseas only)
・ TOEFL strategy (overseas only)
・ Essay strategy
・ Interview strategy

If you are to invest in these topics, it is much more valuable to participate in an actual business school orientation and ask direct questions to the admission personnel and teaching staff. The GMAT, in particular, is a matter of “getting accustomed.” If you study for it a few times, your score will increase. Thus, I have yet to meet an MBA holder who struggled with the GMAT. In addition, for the TOEFL, the best option is to continually hone your skills in an in-class or online language school, not in an MBA preparatory school.

Even though the essay requires a native check, the applicants that fail it are those who did a very poor job. We read as many as 300 essays per year ourselves, but it is not easy to make a selection on that basis. It is extremely rare that an applicant is rejected because the essay is not good.

What is important in the interview is to refrain from showing off knowledge. The more the applicant flaunts business or industry-related technical terms, the less confident he or she appears. Instead, please talk about a difficult time you had in your workplace, or about your dreams and aspirations after you enter the program. The teaching staff of the business school will be asking themselves while looking at you, “How will this applicant contribute in a class discussion?”