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New Course: Organizational Psychology

#MBA #ExecutiveEducation #MBAEnglish #MIM #Curriculum

Executive Education courses are offered by the NUCB Business School including a specialized track of the Global MBA certificate. Non-degree and degree students are eligible for these courses in Tokyo and Nagoya so it is an ample opportunity for practitioners to take classes with students enrolled in full degree programs to share professional knowledge and theoretical topics/frameworks. A new course was offered in 2018/19 as part of the Executive Education line-up in Nagoya called Organizational Psychology. Information on the objectives and concept of the course follows;

As you pursue your careers, you will inevitably depend on people to accomplish organizational goals; you will need to work for other people, work with other people, and supervise other people. For this reason, an understanding of the human side of management is an essential complement to the technical skills you are learning in other core business courses. Although skills in finance, accounting, marketing, operations, and strategy are crucial for organizational success, the ability to manage an organization, its groups, and its individuals is equally important.