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Open Webinar #8: "How Does the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Corporate Financial Reporting and Auditing?"

#MBA #MIM #Japan #Nagoya

On July 14th, NUCB Business School held the sixth session of the Leading in Turbulent Times webinar series. The session’s featured speaker was Dr. Frendy, a faculty member whose research and courses relate to Capital Markets, and Auditing and Accounting.

The webinar highlighted the current situation of financial institutions and firms and how they are dealing with fair value accounting and managing their stocks, keeping the concept of active value market. Prof. Frendy talked about challenges in estimating fair value during pandemic. He illustrated different circumstances in terms of disclosure of risks and uncertainties and how they affect the amounts reported in companies’ financial statements in the near term functioning of reporting entities.

Prof. Frendy also highlighted auditing issues related to many businesses in service industries such as restaurants, hospitality and tourism, along with aviation. For instance, many audits are now taking place remotely because of travel and social distancing restrictions, which may affect inventory bookkeeping and lead to limited access to books and records. The speaker pointed out that utilization of new technology and significant changes in business operation requires accountants to be resourceful and mindful of the risk that financial information cannot be faithfully represented, and recommended robust communication between clients and stakeholders to make these processes smoother.

Upcoming webinar:
A Macroeconomic View of COVID-19
from the "Leading in Turbulent Times" series
July 21, 2020 06:30 PM JST
Speaker: Dr. Seiichiro Iwasawa, NUCB Business School


Our next session, entitled “A Macroeconomic View of COVID-19,” will be given by Dr. Seiichiro Iwasawa, the Director of the Faculty of Economics at the NUCB Undergraduate School and an NUCB Business School faculty heavyweight. Dr. Seiichiro Iwasawa graduated from the School of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University, obtained his MBA from Boston University, and received his Ph. D. in Economics at Harvard University.

He worked as a security analyst and a quantitative analyst at Nomura Research Institute, and as a chief Japan equity strategist at Nomura Securities, the largest investment bank in Japan. He has taught courses in Behavioral Finance and Corporate Finance in the Graduate School of Global Business at Meiji University, Graduate School of Management at Kyoto University, Waseda Business School, and the School of Commerce at Waseda University. He is regularly invited to share his perspective in print publications and on television programs for national news organizations such as NHK and Nikkei.

Please submit your interest using the form linked below:

Registrants will receive updates about the webinars leading up to the date they will be held, on which they will receive a link and access details to join the sessions.

By hosting these series, we hope to promote the interests of higher education and strengthen managerial awareness by reaching out to those who would like an opportunity to challenge themselves during a challenging time by experiencing what NUCB Business School has to offer virtually.

For any questions or concerns, please contact the NUCB Business School Administration Office at