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Open Webinar #9: "A Macroeconomic View of COVID-19"

#MBA #MIM #Japan #Nagoya

On July 21st, NUCB Business School hosted senior faculty member Dr. Iwasawa, Director of the Faculty of Economics at NUCB Undergraduate School, for a talk entitled “A Macroeconomic View of COVID-19,” the penultimate webinar session of the “Leading in Turbulent Times” series held weekly throughout the last months of the 2020 Spring Semester.

Dr. Iwasawa launched into his discussion by polling the attendees with a few questions about their perception of the state of the global economic market. Unsurprised by the majority-held belief that the market was in a recession phase, he set out to change the minds of his audience through a masterful analysis of several key sets of data.

His examination demonstrated that understanding how data trends over time is key to accurately predicting the general direction of the market. By reviewing how unemployment, industrial production, and share price figures wax and wane in relation to periods of recession and expansion, he was able to convincingly support a conclusion that the COVID-19-influenced recession has already ended and predict that the next period of expansion will last for 4-5 years. This, of course, was welcome news to the business school students in attendance.


Upcoming webinar:
Life Satisfaction and Moral Values Under the COVID-19 Pandemic
from the "Leading in Turbulent Times" series

July 28, 2020 06:30 PM JST
Speaker: Dr. Joonha Park, NUCB Business School


For the final session of this semester, lecturer on Organizational Psychology Dr. Joonha Park will discuss ongoing research on the pandemic’s influence on feelings of well-being and the resulting impact on the individual sense of morality.

Dr. Park studied at Korea University in Seoul, Korea where she received her bachelor's degree in psychology and at the University of Melbourne, Australia, for her bachelors with honors in social psychology and her doctoral degree in social and cultural psychology. Her research has embraced intergroup dehumanisation, biased self-perception (self-humanising, self-enhancement), and lay concepts such as what it means to be human across cultures, multiculturalism in Japan, and various social and cultural issues in East Asia with a special focus on heterogeneity within the cultural region. Current research topics include cultural change and psychological well-being in Korea and Japan, acculturation attitudes and strategies in Japan, relational self in Asian groups, group happiness across cultures, and narcissism and religiosity across cultures.

Please submit your interest using the form linked below:

Registrants will receive updates about the webinars leading up to the date they will be held, on which they will receive a link and access details to join the sessions.

By hosting these series, we hope to promote the interests of higher education and strengthen managerial awareness by reaching out to those who would like an opportunity to challenge themselves during a challenging time by experiencing what NUCB Business School has to offer virtually.

For any questions or concerns, please contact the NUCB Business School Administration Office at