
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Graduates of the program have established NPOs and are now active

Alumni Network

In 2011, 11 graduates of the school established a non-profit organization "For Our Children's Children's Children." Today, the circle has expanded beyond the NUCB Business School, and the following subcommittees have been established with nearly 30 members.
1. Proposals to local governments
2. Research on next-generation health management methods
3. Education and dissemination
4. Agricultural support

This NPO was established by a group of graduates who wanted to continue their excitement for business after completing their studies and create a world full of smiles and dreams for children in the future.
"In order to achieve this goal, we must continue to get excited and have fun while learning with our friends. This is what our NPO is all about.
If you are an alumni who is interested, please contact us through the following website."
web >NPO For the Children's Children's Children