
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Report on the 2013 NUCB Business School Alumni Gathering

Alumni Network

The 2013 Alumni Gathering was held on Saturday, September 21, 2013 at the Nagoya Kanko Hotel. At the general meeting, we reported on the activities of the Alumni Association and confirmed future plans.

Dr. Hiroyuki Kurimoto gave an overview of the new Nagoya Marunouchi campus, which will be completed next year. It is going to be a wonderful, world-renowned campus.

As a special lecture, Dr. Nobuyuki Nomura spoke on the theme of "Prospects from Behavioral Observation to Management Science." Using ergonomics, environmental psychology, ethnography, and other methods to objectively observe human behavior, he gave a very clear explanation with actual examples. He also answered many questions in detail.

Before the reception, President Kurimoto spoke about the direction his alma mater will take in the future.

The reception this time was buffet style. We had a great time while enjoying a variety of food and drinks.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in the general meeting and the reception.
We look forward to seeing many more alumni members next year.