
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 2nd meeting of the Business Support Network was held virtually

Business Support Network #Network #Business Consulting Network #Shigetsune Yamoto

More than 50 people attended the 2nd Business Support Network meeting hosted by Professor Yamoto. The first speaker is a representative of a consulting company and a board member of the Japan Executive Coaching Association while attending our school, and he introduced several case studies based on his own experiences in coaching and consulting. The second speaker, who attended our school while working at a local bank, started his own business in his hometown after completing the course, and shared how he used the know-how he gained while working at the local bank to establish his own company to promote circulation between local areas and cities.

Both speakers said that understanding the client's needs is fundamental to consulting, but as needs become more complex in today's information society, it is important to not only understand the needs but also to be able to respond quickly to changes. To do so, we need to build relationships with our clients. In order to do so, he said, "dialogue skills" are indispensable. It seems that "coaching" is to understand the thoughts and feelings of the other person through dialogue at any time, and to encourage change and action.

About the Business Support Network

The Business Support Network holds study sessions to revitalize small and medium-sized companies and start businesses by sharing information and learning about innovation, coaching, and business investment in addition to the know-how learned in the MBA program.