
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Costs and benefits of obtaining a doctorate abroad

Doctoral Programs Network #NetworkReport #ResearchCareerNetwork

We have received a report from Dr. Wakako Maekawa, a faculty member of NUCB Undergraduate School, who presented the 4th meeting of the Research Career Network.

The Costs and Benefits of Earning a PhD Abroad

About the meeting held by the Research Career Network, Dr. Maekawa writes:

"This was an opportunity for me to talk to the post-graduates about my journey to the UK after a period of employment after my undergraduate degree to obtain my MA in International Relations and Ph.D. in Government from the University of Essex.

"Earning a master's degree and a doctoral degree in succession at the same overseas university is a safe environment for conducting research because you get used to the university environment, learn about the specialties of your professors, and advance to the doctoral program in a way that expands on what you learned during your master's degree. I was able to win a scholarship from the UK, and there were aspects of survival that were tough, but I was also able to work as a TA and assistant, and there was a rich environment that allowed me to learn in other aspects besides research.

"Looking back, I think I was able to obtain my doctorate thanks to the professors who guided me through the master's and doctoral programs and the workshops at the university, which strengthened my research skills. I believe that what I gained in the UK was not only a doctoral degree, but also a variety of experiences that I will be able to utilize in the future, such as research skills, educational experiences, and activities in the academic community."

About the Research Career Network

In anticipation of the establishment of the doctoral program at the NUCB Business School, this network will be held as a place for those interested in entering doctoral programs at all graduate schools in Japan and abroad to exchange information. Our faculty members have the mindset and concrete vision to encourage our graduates to obtain their Ph.D.