The talk this time consisted of two parts. One is my own story, and the other is the stories of three graduates who got their MBAs from NUCB Business School and then went on to doctoral programs. In the first part of my story, I talked about my view of the doctorate in chronological order, from my doctorate in engineering at the University of Tokyo to my appointment as a professor at the business school. The three graduates' stories were very interesting and we all listened to them very attentively. They were: Taku Miyazaki, who completed the Nagoya GMP in March 2019 and is currently enrolled in the doctoral course at the Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University; Mikio Katsu, who completed the Nagoya GMP in 2019 and is currently enrolled in the doctoral course at the Graduate School of Information Science, Aichi Prefectural University; and Kentaro Tsutsui, who completed the Tokyo GMP in September 2019 and is currently enrolled in the doctoral course at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Rikkyo University. The students spoke vividly about their motivations for entering the doctoral program, their entrance exams, their research, balancing work and doctoral studies, and the challenges of pursuing their doctorates and bridge the gap between their MBAs and the Ph.Ds they are working to obtain.