
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Encouraging Research: What You Need to Know about Case Writing

Doctoral Programs Network #NetworkReport #ResearchCareerNetwork

The Research Career Network was held in December 2021, with Dr. Shigetsune Yamomoto of NUCB Business School as the guest speaker on the theme of "Practicing Research: What You Need to Know about Case Writing."

Case writing is different from academic writing. There are various points to consider when writing a case, and he divided his talk into three sections: before, during, and after the case writing process, and talked about the following five aspects: supervisor, previous research, teaching experience, research achievements, and peers. Specifically, "prior research" was mentioned as a point that is necessary before and during case writing. Dr. Yamoto explained the meaning of "prior research" by referring to actual academic papers and showing the differences between them and cases. We need to be very aware of prior research in our field, actively collect information, and weave that information into our consulting notes.

In addition, he mentioned the importance of respecting the "researcher community" throughout the case writing process, from before to after, and I am sure that many of the participants gained a better understanding of the guidelines for their own behavior as researchers. The "researcher community" is a group of professors, labmates, and academic societies. By building a good relationship with this community, you can get a lot of information about applying for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research and academic posts.

A variety of other topics were also discussed, and it was a very useful time for participants who are thinking about getting a doctorate or an academic post such as visiting professor.

About the Research Career Network

The Research Career Network is a place to exchange information for those who are considering a career in which they aim to obtain an academic post such as a doctoral degree or visiting professorship based on their academic achievements (academic papers and conference presentations) while working at a company. In anticipation of the establishment of a doctoral program at the NUCB Business School, our faculty members, who have the mindset to encourage our graduates to obtain doctoral degrees and the prospect of obtaining academic posts, will provide practical advice.