
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Networking get-together on the first day of the joint lecture in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka

#MBA #Networking

On the first day of the joint lecture, the "NUCB Network Get-together" was held after the lecture!
Twice a year, students from the three campuses of Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka come together for a joint lecture.
On Saturday the 10th, the first day of the event, about 80 students, faculty members, single course students, and graduates gathered after the lecture for a get-together. The party was a great opportunity to exchange information with students from other campuses and other graduate schools, with whom we don't usually get to see each other.

Our school has a large number of students from all over the country with a variety of backgrounds. In addition to sharing and empathizing with students from all over the country, the school is also a place where students can make connections for their work.
Many professors participated in the event and engaged in passionate discussions with the students, just like in a lecture!