
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Report on the meeting of the Family Business Network

Family Business Network #ネットワーク #栗本博行 #事業承継 #ファミリービジネス

The 9th study session of the "Family Business Network," one of the networks for graduates of NUCB Business School, was held on January 15, 2023.
Mr. Kamano, a Nagoya Campus MBA graduate, served as facilitator for this study session, and all participants discussed the case "Family Businesses: Group Management Dilemma". This case is about M&A of a family business, and the discussion started with a scene of welcoming a new business into the group. The participants asked, "Is it better to run it as a business unit? Or is it better to manage it as a subsidiary?" The discussion covered a variety of issues, starting with the participants' opinions on the management method: "Is it better to manage it as a division?

  • Advantages and disadvantages of making it a business unit (or subsidiary)
  • Impact on executives and employees engaged in existing businesses
  • Impact on motivation of employees engaged in the new business
  • Necessity of infusing the corporate culture of the existing business into the new business
  • Impact on the local community
  • Impact on the industry of the new business, etc.

In the end, the participants reached a common understanding that M&A in family businesses requires management's commitment to both existing and new businesses, which is essential for M&A to generate synergy between existing and new businesses and improve business performance.

About the Family Business Network

Not only family businesses, but also alumni, current students, and faculty of NUCB Business School who are interested in various matters related to business succession, will hold a proactive study session, with everyone viewing it as their own management issue.