
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Family Business Network meeting held

Family Business Network #ネットワーク #事業承継 #ファミリービジネス

The Family Business Network, one of the networks of current and former students of NUCB Business School, was held on April 24, 2022 at the Tokyo Campus. The 7th meeting was attended by 28 participants, who discussed a case on the theme of "Governance of Family Business" prepared by Mr. Koshio, a Tokyo School MBA alumnus.

The case starts with the main character, who joined the family business as an ordinary employee and is confronted with a situation where the president (father), who is the absolute authority, is about to commit an illegal act. Can he persuade his father, a one-man president? And how should he be admonished? The discussion focused on the question, "How can I persuade my father? The discussion then turned to the roles required of successors to family businesses, and a lively exchange of opinions ensued, with participants who are actually successors to their own businesses sharing their views based on their own experiences.

We received the following feedback from participants, many of whom found the discussion an opportunity to objectively reconsider the governance of their own companies.

  • I was able to understand the difficulty of making governance function for owner-managers in the unique organizational culture of a family business.
  • I was reminded of the importance of communication among family successors and family members.

About the Family Business Network

Not only family businesses, but also alumni, current students, and faculty of NUCB Business School who are interested in various matters related to business succession, will hold a proactive study session, with everyone viewing it as their own management issue.