
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 5th meeting of the Freelance Network was held virtually

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Freelance Network

In 2021, the Freelance Network will be starting two new subcommittees. One of the two subcommittees, the "Survey and Research Project," held its kickoff meeting virtually on Sunday, February 28. This subcommittee was established with the aim of disseminating the knowledge of freelancers unknown to those unfamiliar with the field. It is a topic that has rarely been dealt with academically, as formal knowledge for society as a whole, through surveys and research.

Under the guidance of Professor Kitahara, EMBA graduates Yusuke Kawanishi and Tomoyasu Kodama will serve as organizers of the project, which will run for one year. During the project, they will create case materials, which are also used as teaching materials for MBAs, and seek solutions to the problems and worries freelancers face in decision-making situations.

On this first day, the participants discussed the theme of building skills before starting a business. Over the next six months, the volunteer members of the subcommittee will create multiple case materials. This is the birth of a new subcommittee that can be expected to be active in the future.

About the Freelance Network

The Freelance Network is an organization for current students and graduates of NUCB Business School who want to start their own business or start a side business to mutually support each other's entrepreneurial activities, and for participants to actively improve their skills and explore knowledge. The activities of the organization are to support each other before and after starting a business, to help each other to develop their business, and to explore the skills and knowledge of freelancers.

Profile of Professor Yasutomi Kitahara