
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Freelance Network Study Group Meeting Held

Freelance Network #ネットワーク #北原康富 #副業 #起業 #フリーランス

The 10th Freelance Network Workshop was held on Saturday, February 26. The theme of the meeting was "Risk Management of Freelance Orders and Orders Received," and 22 participants, including current students and alumni, attended the online session. This time, all participants discussed based on an original case created by Mr. Kawanishi, a graduate of the University and the Network's organizer.

The participants actively engaged in realistic discussions on such topics as understanding the law (e.g., Subcontract Act), the importance of contracts, predicting damages, using intermediary companies and platforms, and the importance of identifying the personalities of clients and partners and grasping their weaknesses. The event also provided an opportunity for participants to create horizontal connections and opportunities for those seeking to start their own businesses or pursue side ventures.

About the Freelance Network

The Freelance Network is an organization for current students and alumni of our school who wish to start their own business or start a side business (double business) to support each other's entrepreneurial activities, and for participants to actively improve their skills and search for knowledge. The activities include: support for starting a business by helping each other before and after starting a business to develop the business, and freelance skill/knowledge exploration activities.

About Professor Yasutomi Kitahara