
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Meeting of the Healthcare Network held

Healthcare Network #Healthcare Network

The NUCB Business School has many students who are active in the pharmaceutical and medical industries.
Many of the students who have graduated from the school are also expanding their activities by utilizing their MBA.
This is why Professor Yuji Nagasawa initiated the Healthcare Network.
It aims to promote mutual exchange and learning among current and former students who are involved in the pharmaceutical and medical businesses.

This time, three members brought their own agenda and exchanged opinions among the participants.

As of October, the network has about 150 participants, including medical representatives (MRs), doctors, hospital administrators, and many others. Activities are held not only at the Nagoya Campus, but also at the Tokyo and Osaka Campuses, and meetings are held every three months at each school.

If you are a current student or alumnus involved in pharmaceutical- or medical-related business and are not a member of the Healthcare Network, please contact the Administration Office.