
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Meeting of the Healthcare Network was held in Tokyo

Healthcare Network #Healthcare Network #Yuji Nagasawa

Healthcare Network

Healthcare Network

On Sunday, December 10, 2017, the Healthcare Network, established by Professor Yuji Nagasawa, was held at the Tokyo Campus. The network has nearly 300 members in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, mainly students and graduates working in the pharmaceutical and medical industries, and meetings are held regularly. This year's meeting was held at the Tokyo Campus, where about 35 current and former students gathered. On the day of the meeting, three agenda items were presented, and the participants were divided into groups for discussions and presentations on each topic.

Use of AI in the pharmaceutical and medical industries

This time, the pharmaceutical companies presented the issues and results of their respective companies. One of the topics discussed was "AI," and, even if we don't wait for the Singularity in 2045, the use of AI is inevitable in all industries in the business world. The pharmaceutical and medical industries are no exception to this, and in order for companies to prosper in the medium to long term, it is essential to face the music and acquire the knowledge and skills to use AI rather than be used by it. In light of changes in the external environment and the evolution of technology, there were presentations by graduates on virtual medical services using AI and strategies for new businesses using IT.

In addition to discussions and presentations, the Healthcare Network is also a place where current students and graduates can actively interact with each other. In the time before and after the discussions, current students and graduates were actively reporting on each other's recent activities and exchanging information. It was a great opportunity for the participants to reunite with alumni who are working hard in their respective fields.