
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Meeting of the Healthcare Network held in Ishigaki Island

Healthcare Network #Healthcare Network #Yuji Nagasawa #Network

A meeting of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Network Subcommittee (Healthcare Network) was held in Ishigaki Island. A large number of EMBA and MBA graduates and current students from Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya gathered to discuss how the pharmaceutical and medical industries will change in the future and how IT can be used to innovate.

The meeting included a lecture by Professor Yuji Nagasawa at the Okinawa Prefectural Yaeyama Hospital and group discussions among the Network Subcommittee members, hospital staff and the general public.

Professor Yuji Nagasawa's lecture was titled "How will healthcare change? - Innovations brought by IT," and he pointed out the three main impacts of IT innovations: platformization, servitization, and personalization. In the world of medicine, he cited the temporary grasp of patients' personal information, medical treatment using smartphones, and pharmaceuticals tailored to individual patients as examples, and believes that IT innovation has definitely begun in medicine.

The theme of the group discussion was "Hospital management in remote islands and remote areas:
How to conduct sound and sustainable hospital management?
(1) What does it mean to be "trusted" by residents of remote islands and remote areas?
(2) How to be "trusted" by residents in remote islands and remote areas?
(3) What are the new initiatives to secure income and reduce costs?

The participants were divided into small groups to discuss the issues, and in the end, the MBA holders created an "action plan" to realize the creation of a trustworthy and attractive hospital.

About the Healthcare Network

The network was established by Professor Yuji Nagasawa. The network has more than 350 members in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka, mainly students and graduates working in the pharmaceutical and medical industries.