
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 4th meeting of the Technology Management Network (Toward AI & DX in Practice)

Technology Management Network #NetworkReport #TechnologyManagementNetwork

The 4th meeting of the Technology Management Network was held in Tokyo on Sunday, April 11. Since the first meeting, we have been holding the seminar online, but for the 4th meeting, we attempted to hold a hybrid meeting by using the Tokyo School and the online system for the first time.

About 20 people attended from the Tokyo school and about 40 from the online system. The theme of the 4th session was "Towards AI & DX in Practice" and was divided into three parts: Session 1 reviewed how AI and IoT have brought about environmental changes from the perspective of the DX policy promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and In Session 2, a presentation was given on how AI can be used in actual business processes, with examples from the field of sales tech.

All of the presentations were full of very valuable information that could not be heard anywhere else. In Session 3, Professor Yuriko Sawatani, who is also a member of the selection committee for DX stocks, and Professor Shigetsune Yamoto, who is the head of this network, joined the panel discussion, starting with "What is the essence of DX? The panel discussion started with "what is the essence of DX", followed by "barriers to promoting DX within the company" and "how to deal with DX as an MBA holder".

About the Technology Management Network

The Technology Management Network is a network that considers how technology can be applied to corporate management. Based on various past events, it was established with the aim of creating the necessary innovations to sustainably realize occupations that change with the times and are replaced by AI. In order to innovate, we need to search for knowledge. In order to realize the search for knowledge, it is essential to connect with a variety of people.

Profile of Professor Shigetsune Yamoto