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《Nagoya》 Lecture at Ippin Juku


On September 25, 2021 (Saturday), a lecture-based meeting of "Ippin Juku" was held at NUCB Business School’s Marunouchi Tower campus in Nagoya. Professor Hiroyuki Kurimoto, Chancellor of NUCB, spoke on the theme of "The Role of a Leader in a Case Study".

The Role of Leaders through Cases

September 25, 2021 Lecture at the gemstone school

The "Ippin Juku" is an industry-academia collaboration project run by the NPO-based "Doshisha University Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration Network" under the direction of its president, Professor Yutaka Kato of Doshisha University's Graduate School of Business. It is a practical place for registered companies to learn management strategies and create results to improve their own business performance as well as to explore the best new product development management in the world. It is one of the industry-academia collaboration projects.

At the "Ippin Juku," which entered its 13th year of establishment in April 2021, researchers and practitioners give lectures several times a year to students who are university faculty members or corporate managers. This time the lecture was delivered by Prof. Kurimoto, and participants explored the ideal form of truly strong management concepts. Using cases used during lectures at NUCB Business School, participants were able to experience decision-making in various situations, and it was refreshing to discuss the issues together. The lecture, a blend of live virtual (online) and face-to-face formats, was a great success with students from all over Japan.