
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The April meeting of the Business Design Network was held online

Business Design Network #NetworkReport #BusinessDesignNetwork

 Business Design Network

The April Business Design Network was recently held online. Organized by Prof. Koyama and some of the graduates who serve as organizers, the event was attended by 63 graduates and current students studying MBA in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. The theme of this year's event was "100 Ideas for With Corona After Corona Business Concepts."

First, we had a group session with an introduction of the current situation of each participant. Based on the current situation in each industry, each group used the online whiteboard system "miro" to exchange various opinions. As is to be expected of our MBA holders who have studied "Business Model Design" and other idea generation classes at our university, all groups came up with a variety of opinions in just 10 to 15 minutes. In particular, the key to creating business in the future is to utilize the resources of live music venues and the restaurant industry, which have been severely affected by the request for self-restraint. With the recent shift to online, the range of new businesses seems to be expanding. However, no matter how much progress is made online, lack of communication is still a major issue. In this study session, including the solution to this problem, the participants were determined not to see the current situation as a crisis but as an opportunity, and to turn it into a new business opportunity.

About the Business Design Network

This is one of the ten study groups organized by the faculty, current students, and alumni of the university. In the "Business Design Network", we will discuss new business concepts and new businesses based on past business cases. In this network, we studied the aftermath of the convergence of Corona. When we look back on this critical situation 10 years from now, we will be able to look back on what we were able to do as MBA holders and think of actions that we can be proud of.