
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 8th Business Support Network meeting (Business Improvement Support by Project Management Method)

Business Support Network #NetworkReport #BusinessSupportNetwork


The eighth study session of the "Business Support Network," a networking program for graduates and current students of NUCB Business School, was held on Saturday, August 7, 2021.

This study session consisted of two sessions on two different topics, and in Session 1, Daisuke Inuzuka, an EMBA student, took the stage as a speaker. He gave a presentation on "Supporting Business Improvement through Project Management Methods." Mr. Inuzuka, who is a certified project management consultant himself, explained that it is necessary to clarify Role and Responsibility (R&R) in order to create an environment where employees and management can work more efficiently and better.

In the second session, he explained about the case study of his consulting work.
Next, in Session 2, Ms. Takayo Kamimura, an EMBA alumna, took the stage as a speaker. Under the theme of "GDRP (European General Data Protection Regulation) - What Japanese companies need to know", she presented on the global trend of strengthening personal information protection. The presentation began with an introduction to the GDPR, the European Personal Data Protection Regulation, which can be said to be the standard for personal data protection in the world today, and the need for Japanese companies doing business in Europe to comply with this regulation. He also discussed the GDPR with the participants. It was a meaningful study session as the topic was of high interest to the participants.

About the Business Support Network

The Business Support Network has started regular study sessions using the know-how learned in the MBA program as well as the experienced backgrounds of students, and a variety of people, including those who are aiming to start venture businesses and accelerators, are participating in the sessions to share their learning with everyone.

Profile of Professor Shigetsune Yamoto