
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 3rd Business Support Network meeting held virtually

Business Support Network

Developing Human Resources Capable of Innovation - Overcoming the Corona Era

The speaker invited to this session is a graduate of the School's MBA program and is currently engaged in new business development at Kyodo Printing Company.

As the conventional business model is collapsing, the company needs to create a new business model. However, while this is an opportunity to use what he learned in his MBA, not all the players are MBA holders, so he is thinking about the challenges of working together to build and implement a new business model.

Before starting a new business model or innovation, we will carefully review with the participants Kotler's definition of marketing, and unravel the gap between reality and marketing research based on past marketing failures. The main factors are the target audience of the questionnaire, whether the questionnaire items were appropriate for the purpose, and the need for not only quantitative research such as questionnaires but also qualitative research.

The speaker pointed out that conscious desire to purchase and actual purchase are two different things. We need to take into account the essential irrational behavior of people, which cannot be found in questionnaires. The opinions of not only customers but also those who work in the field are in demand (e.g., part-time workers in retail supermarkets, medical nurses, etc.)

The role of marketing is to understand the personality in addition to customer needs. People's lives change depending on the environment they live in, so now is the time to start a new business because Corona has dramatically changed the living environment.

The next speaker will be Makoto Nakai, a graduate of the School.

The 3rd Business Investment Study Session of the Business Support Network was held online under the sponsorship of Dr. Yamoto. The theme of the third session was angel investment. This time, two graduates, one a professional investor and the other an independent tax accountant after working for major Japanese and foreign securities firms for many years, explained the merits and cautions of angel investment and special taxation provisions from a taxation perspective. There are two main ways in which the government promotes the revitalization of venture businesses: the first is to provide various subsidies and grants, and the second is to reduce taxes on venture businesses. Angel Taxation is a policy taxation system that falls under the second category.

The speakers, graduates of the NUCB Business School, based on their years of experience in asset management and business investment, introduced highly specialized topics such as the process of portfolio construction in general and the selection and evaluation of investment products, and also introduced a seed accelerator from Silicon Valley. It was a very stimulating session. As for the angel taxation system, the seminar included detailed and practical information on the benefits of applying the system, the various requirements for applying the system, and the procedures to be followed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), which is the competent authority. Unlike stocks and real estate investments, many people may not have many opportunities to get acquainted with angel investments. This study session was a meaningful time for them to hear valuable information.

About the Business Support Network

The Business Support Network holds study sessions to revitalize small and medium-sized companies and start businesses by sharing information and learning about innovation, coaching, and business investment in addition to the know-how learned in the MBA program.