
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 2nd meeting of the Finance Network held virtually

Finance Network #NetworkReport #FinanceNetwork

Professors Seiichiro Iwasawa and Kazuhiro Takino of NUCB Business School, who specialize in finance, will explore the realities of finance in various industries and share information with participants.

The theme of the second Finance Network was "Finance and Technology". The speaker this time is a student of ours who worked in the system development department of Japan Post Bank and is now working for Accenture, a major general consulting firm. Based on his experience working for both a bank and a consulting company, he discussed with the participants what new services banks can provide to their customers and how they can utilize technology to develop their business. In today's technologically advanced world, banks are not just institutions that handle money, and there were a variety of opinions expressed, such as expanding into community-based services and non-money distribution businesses. It seems that the key for banks to enter new businesses will be to leverage their unique strengths.
This brings us to the topic of insurance companies as another financial institution. Currently, the level of customer satisfaction with domestic insurance services is lower than that of overseas insurance services. The reason for this is that customers do not fully understand the contents of their own contracts and leave them unattended. This is similar to the situation with bank contracts. Based on these results, it was thought that technology that allows people to check their contracts frequently and easily review and change their contracts with their smartphones, etc., in accordance with their lifestyles, would lead to the prevention of customer defection and customer acquisition. Many of the participants in the Finance Network work for banks, securities companies, and insurance companies, and it seems that the best strategy for survival is to differentiate yourself by leveraging your unique strengths as a financial institution while incorporating technology.