
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The Osaka Healthcare Network Subcommittee meeting was held virtually

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《Virtual》Healthcare Network Subcommittee

On Sunday, September 5, 2020, the 21st Healthcare Network meeting was held at the Osaka Campus Virtual Studio. The Network meetings had been held face-to-face since its establishment in 2014. Deepening understanding of the contents of presentations and issues through discussions by Professor Nagasawa, the faculty member in charge, presentations on work issues and initiatives in which the participants are engaged were given. However, due to the prolonged impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the virtual session was held for the first time in Osaka, following a virtual session in Nagoya.

The pandemic, Coronavirus Infections of Infectious Diseases (COVID-19), which is affecting every industry in the world, is of course affecting the medical industry in various ways. The Healthcare Network focused on the pharmaceutical industry and discussed the various changes caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The theme was "The expansion of healthcare and the future of the pharmaceutical industry".

The biggest challenge in the medical industry caused by corona was the lack of digitalization. In other industries, with Corona, digitalization is progressing, office space is being reduced, and paperless operations are being promoted. However, the barrier of not being able to provide support beyond medical care online is making it difficult to balance online and face-to-face operations. However, with Corona, there were not only challenges, but also medical aspects that were improved. It has reduced the number of patients undergoing excessive tests, which has led to a reduction in medical costs. In addition, there were cases of pharmaceutical companies that mainly provide anti-cancer drugs for chronic diseases and other conditions that were hardly affected by Corona. As many issues were brought to light, all pharmaceutical companies realized that it is not enough to simply provide drugs, but that companies cannot survive unless they are able to provide information in addition to drugs tailored to the situation at hand. In addition, it can be said that foresight is necessary because the method of solution varies greatly depending on when the goal of problem solving is set.

About the Healthcare Network

Participants in the Healthcare Network come from a wide range of industries, including consulting, manufacturing, distribution, and service industries, in addition to those working in the healthcare industry. Discussions with people from various industries and professions provide healthcare professionals with new ideas and insights by exposing them to the way of thinking of other industries, and the program is used as a place for mutual exchange, networking, and learning that continues not only during the course of study but also after completion.

About Professor Yuji Nagasawa.
After graduating from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, he joined Nissho Iwai Corporation. Engaged in information and communication system development projects. After earning a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard University in the United States, he worked in the Corporate Planning Department at the head office, where he was responsible for formulating company-wide management strategies. After working on the strategic development of the Internet business at NIFTY Corporation, he joined Softbank Corp. As COO of GeoCities, Inc. and Vice President of Carpoint Corporation, he led the launch of the Internet business. Later, as Director of PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultants, he was engaged in management consulting for information communication, media and entertainment companies. Ltd., which provides marketing services for the women's market, with capital participation from Sankei Living Shimbun. After that, he was active in the forefront of venture business as the president of Tech Index, an IT venture company, and is currently a professor at Nagoya University of Commerce and Business. He is currently a professor at the Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Graduate School, where he is in charge of venture management, business strategy, and marketing. He also established the Pharmaceutical and Medical Network Subcommittee of the Strategic Management Institute, and formulated the Healthcare MBA.