
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 1st meeting of the Technology Management Network was held virtually

Technology Management Network #DX #AI #Network #Technology Management Network #Technology #Shigetsune Yamoto

The first Technology Management Network, which had been postponed due to the new coronavirus (COVID-19), was finally held virtually with more than 40 participants, hosted by Dr. Yamoto. In the first network, people who are promoting technology management participated and discussed the recent trends of DX (Digital Transformation) and AI from their own professional perspectives. The key to advancing DX is the number of touch points with customers. Customer success is not the end of the story once the sale is made, but it is important that the customer continues to use the service.

In order to stabilize revenue, it is important to understand customer behavior data and continue to provide value to customers. In order to achieve this, digital technology is necessary, and the ability to utilize digital technology is the key to providing continuous services. "How should we proceed? How can we apply it to corporate management?" Regarding AI, participants discussed examples of AI application, issues at the time of introduction, and issues that arose during trial and error approaches. It seemed to be a good opportunity to gain new insights and suggestions that cannot be obtained in daily work.

About the Technology Management Network

The Technology Management Network is a network that considers how technology can be applied to corporate management. It was established with the aim of creating the necessary innovations to sustainably realize occupations that change with the times and are replaced by AI. In order to innovate, we need to search for knowledge. In order to realize the search for knowledge, it is essential to connect with a variety of professionals.