
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 3rd meeting of the Case Translation Network held at Tokyo Campus

#NetworkReport #CaseTranslationNetwork

In the midst of the voluntary restraint on travel due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the 3rd Case Translation Network was held at the Tokyo Marunouchi Campus with five participants, including Prof. Nosaka, the faculty member in charge of this network. The third presentation was given by Akihiko Yamada and Yasuyoshi Oda, both of whom are enrolled in the tax accountant training program at our school. First, Mr. Yamada gave a presentation on "JICA International Cooperation Agency", followed by Mr. Oda's presentation on "Business Models for the Future of the Professional Industry", followed by a discussion with the participants based on each theme. The two presenters shared with the participants the necessity of taking a perspective from their experiences in the professional fields related to their own work.
 The theme of Ms. Oda's presentation focused on the "Possibility of Substitution by AI," a joint research project by Oxford University and Nomura Research Institute, and analyzed how professional businesses should develop their business in the future from the perspective of banks, small and medium-sized enterprises, accounting and taxation, and insurance companies. Mr. Oda said that the reason why he enrolled in this university was to acquire additional skills (tax accountant qualification, presentation skills, consulting skills) for the task of how to survive in the future in business. Since Mr. Oda's presentation was based on his own experience, the participants seemed to be able to relate to it. All the participants, including Prof. Nozaka, who is a practicing teacher, work for various companies, so they exchanged various opinions and realized new discoveries and perspectives. Through this network, they were able to reaffirm the importance of translation.

Profile of Associate Professor Kazuo Nozaka