
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The Healthcare Network Meeting was held virtually

Healthcare Network #Healthcare Network #Network #Yuji Nagasawa

[Virtual] Healthcare Network

On Sunday, August 9, 2020, the 19th Healthcare Network meeting was held online. The Healthcare Network had been held face-to-face since the establishment of the Network in 2014. Deepening understanding of issues through discussions by Professor Nagasawa, the faculty member in charge, presentations on the work issues and initiatives in which the participants are engaged are shared with all members. However, in view of the prolonged impact of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), this was the first session held in a virtual format.

The following are the four agenda items presented this time.

1. Application of AI technology in the medical and nursing care fields
2. A sense of mission is no longer enough to overcome these challenges!
3. The reality and challenges facing the front lines of healthcare in the corona disaster
4. Visible air conditioning - Visualizing ventilation risks, providing peace of mind and comfort

The topic of discussion that was particularly lively was "Hospital management strategies for the corona disaster and what peripheral industries should do." While there are a number of hospitals that are suffering from serious management deterioration due to the nationwide spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the MBA students of the School came to the conclusion that the national budget should be used to compensate for the situation. We should consider the management of hospitals as we would any other company. Although this was the first virtual session, it was comparable to a face-to-face session, and various opinions were exchanged under the facilitation of Dr. Nagasawa.
In addition to doctors and pharmacists, we are seeing an increasing number of hospital personnel and executives attending our courses. It seems that the importance of learning not only about medical care but also about management is increasing.

About the Healthcare Network

Participants in the Healthcare Network come from a wide range of industries, including consulting, manufacturing, distribution, and service industries, in addition to those working in the healthcare industry. Discussions with people from various industries and professions provide healthcare professionals with new ideas and insights by exposing them to the way of thinking of other industries, and the meetings are held for mutual exchange, networking, and learning that continues not only during the course of study, but also after completion.