
Faculty & Research

Network Report

1st meeting of the Case Translation Network Held at Tokyo Campus


The first meeting of the Case Translation Network was held at NUCB Business School's Tokyo Campus. The workshop started with a presentation on how lessons learned from classes can be applied in specialized fields and made relevant in work experiences. The participants brought practical experience from a range of fields and shared their thoughts on the need to understand from the perspective of practical application. It is clear that the level of proficiency varies depending on the level of understanding at the preparatory stage of the case-method class, which is used to train thinking skills and acquire problem-solving strategies using business cases as class materials. In order to raise the level of the class as a whole, there was a discussion on what level of expression should be used when translating business cases, which tend to differ more depending on whether or not the students have specialized knowledge. In the second and subsequent sessions, the network aims to select the most memorable business cases from the classes we have taken and investigate what makes a memorable business case. In addition, cases written in both Japanese and English will be compared in order to further interpret the intentions of the case authors.

Profile of Kazuo Nozaka, Associate Professor

Prof. Nozaka graduated from Waseda University, Faculty of Commerce. While working at Asahi Audit Corporation (Arthur Andersen) and KPMG (KPMG), he was engaged in statutory audits such as Financial Instruments and Exchange Law audits, Company Law audits, and School Corporation audits, as well as SEC audits, IFRS audits. During his tenure at the audit firm, he obtained a master's degree in commerce from the Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University, and withdrew after completing the doctoral program. After that, he became an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Accounting, Waseda University. After retiring, he started his own business and is currently the representative of Nozaka Certified Public Accountant and Licensed Tax Accountant Office. In addition, he has been engaged in audits of social welfare corporations, labor unions, NPOs, and comprehensive external audits of local governments. He is a certified public accountant, a U.S. certified public accountant (New York State), and a licensed tax accountant. D. (Commerce) from Waseda University. His major publications include "Accounting Policy Selection Behavior of Retirement Benefit Accounting" (Kunimoto Shobo; JICPA Academic Award - Member's Special Award), "Accounting Policy Selection Behavior of Discount Rate in Retirement Benefit Accounting - Discretionary Selection Behavior, Horizontal Selection Behavior and Level Optimization Selection Behavior -Discretionary Selection Behavior, Lateral Selection Behavior, and Level Optimization Selection Behavior in Retirement Benefit Accounting" (Management Accounting; Japan Society of Management Accounting Incentive Award).