
Faculty & Research

Center for Family Business

Become a next-generation business leader

From our internationally recognized MBA education, which includes a master's program, a certificate program, and executive education courses, candidates will acquire the expertise necessary to manage a company, as well as the ability to succeed in business. Weekend lectures at urban campuses in the three major metropolitan areas of Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka enable candidates to study whilst working full time. Through active learning, which focuses on the engagement of students with the latest knowledge directly linked to business, candidates not only acquire knowledge and skills, but also master the thinking process necessary for problem solving and practical management decision-making abilities.

Case method style classes led by practitioner teachers continually improve students' practical skills, sustainably grow next-generation businesses, and develop personnel who will continue to take on challenges at the forefront of business.

Executive MBA

A curriculum which aims to enable candidates to gain a bird's eye view of the whole organization, a quality essential for managers. Courses are offered systematically from basic to advanced, so even those new to business administration can comfortably take part.

  • Building Foundational Skills

    Learn strategic thinking, logical thinking, and general financial knowledge as the basis of an MBA, and hone your comprehensive ability as a manager.

  • Driving Growth Through Innovation

    You will acquire the ability to think strategically around marketing, that is, the ability to consider the client's perspective. Based on logical thinking, you will learn how to effectively utilize the growth potential of innovation, production, and operation management in operations.

  • Understanding Financial Markets

    In addition to acquiring specialist accounting and financial knowledge, you will learn the basics from a management perspective and the method of financial information analysis for management decisions, including the outline of investments and mergers & acquisitions.

  • Leading Global Businesses

    Learn leadership and management strategies that will enable the sustainable evolution of a company, aiming to improve decision-making ability and strategy-building ability based on logical thinking.

  • Building Leadership and Corporate Accountability

    Corporate managers must have a multifaceted view of what they think and what they should do, as well as the ability to analyze leadership for organizational revitalization, from concrete methods to internal control systems as a sustainable corporate business management system.

  • Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage

    Learn how to build an organization with an autonomous compliance system, internal control and risk management system, based on competitive priority, industry logic, and social responsibility.



The curriculum consists of four perspectives for developing innovative personnel. You will acquire creative thinking methods, an entrepreneurial mindset, and problem-detection ability to create innovative products and services through task exercises, fieldwork, and case studies.

  • Create New Values(創造)

    Understand the essence of innovation and learn diffuse thinking and value creation techniques to create new value. In addition, gain the courage to tackle new things, the ability to set hypotheses in ambiguous situations, and the mindset to learn from intellectual failure. Ultimately, we will build new business models, innovate existing business models, improve the ability to effectively convey them, and improve practical strategic thinking and execution abilities.

  • Change into Practice(変革)

    We will cultivate the skills and human power to bring about transformation, not only in the goods and services themselves, but also in the methods, procedures, and organizations that provide them. Specifically, you will learn the knowledge and technology necessary to promote innovation management, leadership, new product development, globalization strategies, etc., which are the sources of change.

  • Get a Chance for Innovation(機会)

    Here you will focus on the essence of the problem and acquire the ability to discover real problems and pinpoint unclear needs. Through the latest case studies and hands-on workshops, you will discover problems, market opportunities, and transformation opportunities in the current business scene, as well as cultivate the ability to create new business opportunities.

  • Challenge to Capture the Value(実行)

    Value creation and acquisition are the two wheels of innovation. Learn practical approaches to embody newly created value, deliver it where it is needed, and achieve it as a result. You will acquire the skills necessary as an executive leader responsible for business strategy planning, strengthening the business power of the organization, and global management.


MSc in Management

Systematic learning that covers the three fields required of professional accountants. From the second year, acquire knowledge in the management field and strategic thinking ability by studying management subjects.

  • Taxation

    Acquire basic knowledge and applied skills about tax law, company law, corporate tax law, income tax law, inheritance tax law, and consumption tax law. Ultimately, the goal is to foster decision-making and problem-solving skills as a tax professional who can accurately provide strategic tax planning consulting to companies.

  • Finance

    With management knowledge and information analysis skills, you will acquire the ability to make optimal decisions as a financial professional. You will also improve your consulting skills by learning risk management methods in corporate activities, management analysis methods for small and medium-sized enterprises, the basics of international taxation and coping methods in various cases, and knowledge about asset management and investment.

  • Accounting

    In addition to acquiring knowledge of tax accounting, you will cultivate analytical skills to derive management decisions from financial statements by conducting actual case law research. In addition, you will learn about the business succession tax system, corporate management analysis methods, financial accounting, accounting audits, and acquire the ability to make proposals based on knowledge of overall management.



Positioned as an introductory education for potential MBA students, the curriculum structure classifies the abilities required of business people into nine themes. By studying each theme in a step-by-step order, you will systematically acquire not only management skills but also innovation skills, starting from the basics. In addition, those who have completed the "PreMBA" course will be awarded a certificate of completion and the qualification of "Management Professional" certified by the university.


Focused Programs

About 20 MBA single-course lectures are offered annually at the Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka campuses. In addition to basic business knowledge and logical thinking ability (problem solving), we have a lineup of various lectures centered on three modules that develop creative thinking ability (problem finding) utilizing fieldwork. You can freely choose lectures according to the skills and knowledge you want to strengthen, obtaining the skills in questions in a compact manner.